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Design Your Own Workshop


How would you like to experience a unique day of pampering with 100% of my undivided attention to honour your spiritual, physical and emotional needs?


This is a feast for your mind, body and soul, to realign, reconnect, and gather information to start a new path, or enhance and existing one. 


I have created a one-day workshop that will be custom designed to your personal specifications. Together we will design a day that nurtures your soul, and contributes to your well-being. You get to choose from my basket of wellness services, how the day will unfold. 


We will focus a little …or a lot on various modalities to shine a light on your path to wellness in this sacred intuitive space of connection.


Are you ready to explore? Let’s spend the day together relieving stress, raising your vibration, and getting to know you. 


Modalities to Choose From 

Medical Intuition– I will provide a comprehensive intuitive body scan and explore the root causes of dis-ease in the body.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation (MBSR) - This meditation practice was created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1970’s and is now taught all over the world. There are numerous meditations from body scans, to walking, to guided imagery. 


Reiki – We can explore a Reiki stress reduction session, an attunement ceremony (to raise your vibrations), or a Chakra Balancing meditation. 


Laughter Yoga – Playful exercises, breathing techniques, and a few other goodies will fill this time. Making eye contact, stimulating acupressure points, reducing stress, and building community are all part of the Laughter Yoga experience. 


Intuitive Skills Development – This will be a fun and creative expression of your intuitive skills and discussion of how to expand and trust it more in your life. You can pick my brain about intuition and ask lots questions. I love this work and I want everyone to use it more. 



  • The Day – 10am to 3pm

  • 12pm – 1pm – a nutritious lunch

  • You must choose at least 3 different activities. Live a little. Adventures are fun.

  • Be mindful of the time. We don’t want to get carried away and find that we run out of time. I know – schedules are a drag, but my doggies need love too. 

  • Oh oh. Already stressed out about having to choose. Let me do it for you. I’ll build a day of surprises. Fun! 

  • Venue – we will decide

  • Investment $500


This wellness package would make a fabulous gift for a birthday, anniversary, retirement or any special occasion that says, “I care about you.”.



Based on my experience, I highly recommend Susan’s services to anyone wanting to improve their wellbeing, stress coping skills or self-awareness.  

Pet owners who wish to obtain a bit of “Dr. Dolittle” insight into the soul of their companion(s) will find Susan’s gifts helpful too.  

In my opinion, Susan cares deeply for the people and pets she works with, and her efforts to empower those who seek out her guidance are sincere.

Recently, after having had numerous individual sessions, I booked myself into a “VIP Day”.  I enjoyed being able to dig deeper into some issues, learn more about myself, and relax longer while being pampered by guided meditation and Reiki on Susan’s comfortable treatment table.  I truly did feel special. The flow of this experience was “interrupted” only by the delicious lunch we shared, and occasionally by the giggles Susan’s chronically happy “Wiener” dogs caused when they licked my feet.

I am looking forward to learning more about my own intuition during future sessions with Susan.

~ Claudia Knos, Tsawassen, Canada

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