Susan Lee Woodward
Medical Intuition, Reiki, Laughter Yoga, MBSR Meditation
Inspirational Blogs
Disclaimer - Medical Intuition
Medical Intuition is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice. It is NOT the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed professional health care practice, nor is it a substitute for licensed health care services.
Medical Intuition is a complementary and/or alternative holistic approach to wellness. The sessions are intuitive in nature and no medical advice or diagnosis will be given. Medical Intuition does not claim to cure diseases or physical conditions.

Disclaimer - Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga is a fun and healthy exercise regime with beneficial effects on the body, mind, and emotions. Like any form of aerobic exercise, it should not be practiced by people with medical problems without consulting with a professional medical practitioner. Laughter Yoga should not be considered as a substitute for proper medical consultation for physical, and/or psychological illnesses.
Laughter Yoga sessions require physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury.

Disclaimer - Reiki
Reiki is the discipline of natural healing, not the practice of medicine. Reiki is intended to be a supplement to, and not a substitute for, professional medical care and treatment. In the case of any serious medical ailment or condition, you should always consult your doctor.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese, holistic, light touch, energy based modality. The treatment focuses on balancing energy in the energy centres of the body call Chakras. It is used primarily for stress reduction, relaxation, and to promote healing.

Disclaimer - Meditation
MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Meditation is a personal growth activity and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and/or treatment. You must be in adequate physical and mental health to participate. If there is any pain or difficulty during or after practice, stop immediately and consult a medical professional.
The evidence behind a mindfulness practice supports the theory that a mindfulness practice can measurably alter the brain's structure and function - emotion regulation, stress response, memory, learning, perspective taking and more.